Watch out! The liberal media has launched a full-scale, thermonuclear War On Cars! They are coming for your freedoms with ideas like banning SUVs, building bike lanes, or even ending free parking in the city!
Fortunately, we stay strong! A handful of our friends have already called those liberal brain-fart ideas what they really are - a focused social engineering campaign to "break the car culture", take us out of driver seats and put us all on... bicycles (the horror!). As Steve Milloy eloquently put it - "Cars have given Americans the unparalleled individual freedom and progressives hate it."
Cars have given Americans unparalleled individual freedom.— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) October 29, 2019
'Progressives' hate individual freedom.
So NYC plans to “break the car culture.”
Watch for NYC traffic to get even more nightmarish.
Jeff Jacoby from Boston Globe is also brutally honest (and correct!), calling it madness:
$1.7 billion — billion! — to "break the car culture" and force even more bicycles onto New York's busiest streets. Madness.— Jeff Jacoby (@Jeff_Jacoby) October 29, 2019
must stop! We will fight back to keep America great and driving.
Instead of wasting billions on silly two-wheeled toys for boys, we could add another lane to the always-congested highways. Our friends in Australia understand it well. Why is our government not following this example?
There's some good news for the hundreds of thousands of motorists who use the M1 every day. The State Government has finally announced progress on a second highway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. @LauraDymock #qldtraffic #7NEWS— 7NEWS Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) October 25, 2019
Interestingly, we have recently gained another, unexpected ally. To guarantee our unparalleled individual freedom to drive, the National Transportation Safety Board has agreed to recommend an introduction of mandatory helmet laws for all cyclists, all across the United States!
At first you may think, what has it to do with my right to drive? Well, it does. You see, the NTSB may not admit it directly, but we can be quite sure they know (they are experts after all), what mandatory helmet laws did in countries such as Australia. Data shows that it's nearly guaranteed to lower the number of cyclists on roads by as much as 30%, after such laws are in place. And who wouldn't want a road with less of those pesky bicycles on it?
On the other hand, just look at the tragic disaster that happened in the Netherlands - a country that used to be a shining beacon of liberty in the 60's, until the Dutch decided to limit their unparalleled individual freedom to drive and put those stupid bike paths everywhere. Now no one wears a helmet there and bicycle are everywhere!
All this means we have to "shame cyclists into wearing helmets" and continue to fight for space for our freedom machines. Otherwise, this valuable space can soon be taken away from us.
Sincerely yours,
Concerned Motorist