Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Boston after snowfall - a giant middle finger to all cyclists and pedestrians

Who's afraid of the big, bad snow? Boston's Department of Public Works, for sure! This happens pretty much every winter season - when it comes to plowing, traffic lanes get priority while many sidewalks and bike lanes remain forgotten for weeks... waiting for spring to come and snow to melt.

The situation is not pretty as many excellent examples found on Twitter show. What can we learn from it?

Create a free storage space and it will get filled. Sometimes you may wonder how many cars parked in on-street spots in Boston get used on daily basis. Normally, it's not easy to figure that out without careful observation, but snowfall makes it easy:
Apparently, it's more than you may think. Many cars don't get moved everyday. They just park there for days, occupying expensive street real estate that could be used by others.

Bike lanes are excellent... for storing snow. Everyone was so excited in the summer when new bike lanes were built in Boston. Unfortunately, half a year later we can clearly see what this space is best used for - snow storage. It's just seems so easy to push all the snow away from the street and parking spaces into bike lanes. No one uses them anyway, right?
And even if you wanted to, you'd better learn how to ride your bike on top of a giant snow bank:
But at least it seems that DPW has a sense of humor, requiring cyclists to ride in the bike lane buried in snow:

Safe route to school is best taken in snowshoes and traction cleats. Otherwise, how do you expect your kids to cross huge snow piles and not break their legs on patches of ice?

If you want a snow-free sidewalk, shovel it yourself. Don't count on DPW even though it's their job.

Walk in the street just remember that "cars are going to hit you". At least that's what our mayor said. Considering how Boston treats its sidewalks, I'm guessing that "may use full lane" should apply also to pedestrians.

That's all folks. Welcome to the city of "a car guy"!

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