Monday, October 24, 2011

My commute

Why do I bike to work? I have a 10.5 km (one-way) commute, but it is a reverse-commute. I live closer to center of the town and commute out of town. When I drive, it takes me only 15 min. in the morning and 25 min. in the afternoon to get to/from work. There is no traffic in the morning and in the afternoon a 2 km long part of the road gets a bit congested. I don't have to look for parking spots. I just get in the car in my driveway and then park in front of my office. No problems and delays here. So why do I bike to work at all?

I guess it is just for fun, plus I really don't enjoy sitting in the car too often. And I like to stretch my legs after spending a day in the office. And I can take some nice country paths like these:

On the downside, it takes me 25-35 min. to get to work in the morning by bike (Depends on which bike I take), and 25-45 min. to go back home (Depending on the route). So you see that saving time is not my motivation. When it rains, there is no fun to bike so I usually bike in good weather only. Biking is supposed to be fun and since this is the only motivation that keeps me doing it, so far I refuse to bike in rain.
On the positive side, the part of the road I have to share with cars has a wide shoulder, which works like a bike lane. The road is mostly flat, with only a few hills and I found out that even my 3 speed Schwinn can handle it.

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